We manage properties for multiple landlords all over the UK!
We manage properties for multiple landlords all over the UK!
We provide home from home properties and accommodation to teams of contractors and groups of professionals travelling for work.
Many of our guests stay for weeks or months at a time which is why its important they are not cooped up in a hotel room.
All our properties feature a comfy communal area with sofas, a fully equipped kitchen and wifi with Netflix provide the perfect downtime after work.
With so many exciting developments happening across the UK, there are always new teams needing a comfy place to stay while travelling for work.
We are continually looking to acquire more properties by working with landlords on a contractual basis.
We understand that being a landlord can be hard work if you do not have the right tenant in place. By letting to our company, we guarantee a hassle free experience for 3 to 5 years.
We are passionate about ensuring a great guest experience from booking through to check out. We understand that attention to detail matters.
With professional cleaners, our own in house electrician and good relationships with nearby trades to ensure our properties are kept in pristine condition.
Our properties are always maintained to high standard for peace of mind for both our guests and landlords.
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